Why Prayer Should Always Be A Priority
Why Should Prayer Be a Priority?
In today’s environment of competing distractions, how are we able to make prayer a priority? As a mom of young children, I can relate to the responsibilities of the day that often times requires us to juggle more than we have capacity for. However, when we remember that we can do nothing apart from Him and that we need all of His strength to carry out our purpose in the earth, we begin to understand the essentialness of prayer. Prayer affords us the privilege to focus and concentrate on the expanse of His goodness, holiness, and awe-ness– all of which can only be attributed to Him and Him alone. When we begin to place our focus on Him it settles our mind of all the busyness, worry, and frustrations of the day which oftentimes inhibit us from fully engaging in prayer with the Father. When we commit to making prayer the ultimate priority of the day, we make ourselves available to hear His revelation, understand His character more deeply, and gain invaluable insight. This is key for navigating the times in which we are living.
It is important that we are intentional about establishing a space and time to devote our hearts to prayer. This intentionality allows us to have God enter into our space, as we likewise enter into His. It sets the precedence that we are establishing that He takes the ultimate priority over our time. If we are not in prayer with the Father we are not in communication with Him. Let’s explore this a bit further, shall we?
Why Was prayer a priority for Jesus?
Throughout the Word of God, we observe where Christ stated that He does nothing unless the Father has willed it to be so. (John 5:30) This speaks to him being fully committed to living out only what He has been given instruction to do by the Father. The scriptures shows on numerous occasions where He pulled away from the engagements of the day to spend quality time with the Father. He surrendered His will to that of the Father so that His purposes in the earth would be fulfilled, and ultimately, glorify the Father. May I suggest that Christ prioritized prayer because it demonstrated His intentionality to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth.
understanding the power of prayer
The beautiful thing about prayer is that we can begin our prayer life right where we are. As we begin to develop our prayer time of intimacy with the Heavenly Father, the ‘prayer muscle’ begins to develop just as our physical muscles do when we exercise regularly. The more effort we put in, the more we begin to see our communication improve. The goal of every Believer should always be to continually sharpen their communication through prayer.
Prayer is a powerful tool that has been given to us to be able to connect heaven to earth. It was always the will of the Father that His divine purpose and plan be done in the earth. Prayer is the intersection between heaven and earth. In other words, it is where we stand in place as a conduit to be able to fulfill the purpose of ‘the Lord’s prayer’ which declares “…thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” This is powerful! There are mysteries in the heavens that God has orchestrated, and we hold the power to be able to pray them in to the earth realm to become a reality through our very prayers.
Are there promises that the Father have given to you, specifically? Did you know that you can pray precisely what the Father has declared concerning you? The purpose of The Lord’s Prayer has been given to us as a pattern to be able to extract prayer principles that He wants us to put into action.
When we are able to give reverence and worship to God in a way that allows us to zone in to His hallowed presence, we are then able to recognize the power and essence of the infinite God in comparison to our finite nature. Often times, our vocabulary limits us from being able to express just how set-apart He is! But through prayer, we are able to explore the limitless adjectives that describe Him.
Worship prayer gives the opportunity for us to spend quality time with God. One thing that affords us the opportunity to spend unobstructed quality time with the Father is to create an atmosphere where we can hear clearly from Him. Our ultimate priority in prayer should be to become more and more like Christ (Gen 1:27). As we increase our time in prayer with the Father, we are able to allow him to remove those characteristics that are not like Him. His desire is for us to become like Him. Prayer affords us the opportunity to get to know more of Him when we’re in His presence.
importance of prayer with scriptures
Our prayer must always be intentional. To accomplish this, we should utilize scriptures as the basis on which we communicate with the Father. This is vital to unlock access to all the promises and benefits He has written concerning us. In order to ensure that our prayers are effective, we must anchor them in the Word of God. Partnering with the scriptures gives us a guarantee that God will honor His Word, as He is the God that cannot lie (Num 23:19).
As we pray the scriptures, it is important that we are not praying from a place of self-centeredness. Afterall, the scriptures were not written ‘to us’ but rather ‘for us’. To this end, we must bare in mind that it is the Father’s will that we are in pursuit of and not our own. Praying in alignment with the scriptures ensures that we do not pray amiss (James 4:3).
what is the role of prayer in our life
Prayer is a necessary component in the life of every Believer. It is the primary source of receiving our godly instructions on how to navigate our purpose here on earth. Also, it is the divine connection to our Heavenly Father. As the Holy Spirit is the helper that dwells within us, He allows us to have access to the treasures of Heaven when we pray (Matt 7:7). Through prayer, we are able to seek the help, knowledge, wisdom, information (even futuristic info), that the Father has made available to us in order for His will to be carried out.
A Final Word About Making Prayer A Priority
I absolutely love prayer time! I’ve found that it is so important to be locked into prayer because it allows God to become involved in the affairs of mankind. Furthermore, when we pray the scriptures, we are allowing our prayers to be rooted in what the Father has said concerning the matter. This mitigates the possibility of us praying aimlessly with no results. Praying what the Word of God has declared allows us to target the prayer point(s) with precision. Making prayer the priority of our day ensures that we are utilizing one of the most powerful tools in modeling the life of Christ in the earth.